In Part 1 of this series on Revelation 20 and the Millennial Kingdom, we discussed a solid foundation of terms and considerations when attempting to understand the doctrine of the Millennial Reign of Christ in eschatology and how we should understand the book of Revelation itself. We also introduced the text itself and began to dive into
Are Humans and Chimpanzees Really 98% Similar?
Every subject in the intellectual sphere has its great tropes. Statistics, quotes, even legends and myths that have achieved widespread notoriety throughout the field and have entered into the world of common sense and public knowledge. This sort of knowledge also becomes especially difficult to challenge because it begins to form a sort of foundation
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Revelation 20 and the Millennial Kingdom: Why Your Pastor Is (Probably) Wrong About the Millennium (Part 1)
If you’ve ever attended Sunday School in a Protestant setting within the past few decades, or regularly attended Sunday services, you’ve likely sat through a series on the book of Revelation. And, if you’re like me, and experienced this teaching with little to no theological background or previous exposure to end times teaching, you probably
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Much Ado About Genesis 2
The creation account found in Genesis 1 of the Christian Bible has been revered and studied, scrutinized and criticized, for millennia. Believers and non-believers alike can often quote its first words: ‘In the beginning, God created’. Its literary rhythm of the days of creation, with their mornings and evenings, and its fantastical account of the