February 15 marks the anniversary of the destruction of the USS Maine, a momentous event that precipitated America’s involvement in the Cuban independence movement and what eventually became known as the Spanish American War. Most Americans gloss over this period in their history, it being quite overshadowed by the eventual scale of World War I.
Current Events
Why Christians Should Be Non-Interventionist
With the 24-hour news cycle and its almost limitless global reach, it never fails that we hear daily about the newest outbreak of violence or instability somewhere in the world. Word of the latest humanitarian crisis is often front and center on social or mass media, ready to attract our attention and pull at our
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Why Should Christians Care About Foreign Policy?
This article is adapted from the introduction to our FREE Kingdom Guide to Foreign Policy which you can find at https://www.nokingbutchrist.org/foreignpolicy A large portion of what goes on in a given day, what makes the news or attracts the comments of our friends, includes some international events. But for many of us, it is those
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Movie Review: Vice
The other night, my wife and I wanted to get out of the house and enjoy ourselves a bit while the kids were visiting their grandparents during the Christmas holidays. So, naturally, when given the option of leisure time and open plans, we decided to do the most romantic thing possible: watch a political satire
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Foreign Policy
FDR’s Pearl Harbor Fabrication: A Rebuttal
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and … looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.… Japan
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5 Things You Should Know About Resolution 181
November 29, 2018, marks the 71st anniversary of Resolution 181, the UN General Assembly Resolution that laid out plans for the partitioning of Palestine, then under British occupation rule, into two independent states. This historic resolution is largely considered to be the first domino in the decades of resulting clashes between the eventual Israeli state
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Would Hitler Have Taken Over the World?
In the effort of advocating for non-intervention, one is naturally confronted with many questions and concerns regarding how this philosophy would work throughout history. For Americans, that typically looks like objections to the idea of non-involvement in a number of notable world conflicts, most commonly that of World War II. It doesn’t take long in
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America’s History of Destruction in Guatemala
This week’s events find me working in Guatemala. Many will be aware of the recent Fuego volcano eruption and the damage it caused and families that it has affected. As a result, we are working to build homes for those displaced by the eruption and to lead wellness clinics using essential oils (You can check
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Current Events
3 Films with Non-Interventionist Messages You May Have Missed
Film is a powerful medium. When we see powerful images, real human beings expressing emotion, speaking real words, it can convey a message that is highly impactful. Film can elicit empathy, it can open our minds to new ideas that we would not otherwise consider, and bring new life to otherwise sterile or mathematical concepts