Imagine the hubris of causing drug trafficking and migrant crises…then telling your neighbor countries they have to solve them…
Americans Will Pay for Trump's Pointless Trade War
Like Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaigns, his trade war is aimed at bludgeoning other countries into submission, and like those other campaigns it will end in failure.
I dunno, this seems like “Make America a Terrorism Target Again”… Leave these people alone.
Trump shocks supporters with US 'own' and 'rebuild' Gaza plan
Upwards of 2 million Palestinians would be removed, while the president didn't rule out US boots on the ground
“BuT iSrAeL iS tHe OnLy DeMoCrAcY iN tHe MiDdLe EaSt?!”
The Gaza Project Exposes Israel's 'Chilling Pattern' of Killing Journalists - Blog
With more than 100 media professionals – nearly all of them Palestinian – killed in Gaza since October, a group of 50 reporters from 13 international organizations this week shared the results of ...
“Omg, Iran’s Supreme Leader likes the new Pixar film! Must be evil.”
Re: The Ayatollah: when you determine truth based not on what’s said but who says it, you’re really in a poor place intellectually… #gaza
If this idea is driving your theology or your politics, here’s your reminder that it doesn’t have to.
Does the Land of Israel Belong to the Jews? - No King But Christ
For almost one hundred years now, the focal point for so much international chaos has been the Middle East. And one of the underlying hubs that ties together many disparate events there has been the e...
This is what the real “American Spirit” would look like.
'Hell No, We Won't Go!' - Most Americans Would Not Serve If War Broke Out - Blog
On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report: According to a new YouGov poll, the majority of Americans of military age would refuse to fight if a major global conflagration broke out including the United Sta...
Super helpful read that you should absolutely take 10 minutes to go through.
MoA - The Split In Israel And The War Of Al-Aqsa
The fissure could not be more complete. Except it is. One faction, which holds a majority in parliament, is broadly Mizrahi -- a former underclass in Israeli society; and the other, largely well-to-do...
I don’t tend to enjoy debating or arguing on Facebook, but I also don’t want to be absent on your feed on a topic that is often skewed toward one perspective within Christian social media. ![]()
I don’t “stand with Israel” as a Christian. I don’t stand with any Palestinian or Arab state. Heck, I don’t even “stand with America” or any other entity. Scripture says that believers are their own holy nation of God and that is my only allegiance. ![]()
Years ago I took it upon myself to focus my study on issues of Israel/Palestine, both history and theology. I’ve come to some of the following conclusions that I’m fairly certain are factual and Biblical. I might be wrong (but so might you be).![]()
1) The theology you grew up hearing, about the country of Israel being relevant to end times prophecy, and your American Christian duty to support them, was a lie. Not a malicious and conspiratorial one, but one that was popular, profitable to exploit and difficult to refute without a platform and copious amounts of free time and training. The ideas extend back to British centric prophecy interpretation that was then extended to North America after colonization.![]()
2) You dont have to believe it and there are fully Biblical alternatives that do a better job of making sense of Scripture and history. Consider historic premillennialism, amillennialism, or postmillennialism. ![]()
3) The formation of modern Israel was not some holy endeavor overseen and guaranteed by God. It began as an innocent enough desire and movement of some ethnic Jews to make a life and home for themselves. And it resulted in a nasty political and military effort co-opted by politically connected bankers and activists taking advantage of movements and tragedies. ![]()
4) Wanton acts of retaliation against innocent and defenseless Israelis is vile. ![]()
5) Wanton acts of retaliation against innocent and defenseless Gazans is vile. ![]()
6) You literally cannot draw clean lines of blame and victimhood throughout history here which is why it’s so difficult to resolve. ![]()
7) If you had to tally up the destruction and weigh out the blame over the years, the majority of it would absolutely rest on the Israeli state. They have a history of violation of property rights, disregard for human rights, collective punishment and retaliation, and escalation above and beyond offense. ![]()
But your overwhelming sentiment in this situation should be the same as every other one. “Boy, the world is a broken place full of broken people. I sure hope Christ returns soon to make it whole. For now, I will be His hands and feet until He does.”![]()
If recent events have spurred you to study and understand the situation better, I would recommend some of the following resources. ![]()
My blog, has many articles. Just search for “Israel” and you can’t go wrong. ![]()
“Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel”![]()
“More Desired than Our Owne Salvation: The Roots of Christian Zionism”![]()
“Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1998”![]()
“Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict”
Tragically, this stuff happens every day.